Participating in the exchange was a thrill, making me feeling like I had a purpose in creating art to share. It was even more fun to see these little canvas that arrived in my mailbox. Something definitely more desirable than the usual, bills or junk.
During training for art therapy we always discussed the importance of taking time to create our own art as a part of self-care, and a deign of our understanding of this creative and emotional process. It is so important to practice what we preach instead of putting it on the back burner waiting for a "better time" to engage in our own self-exploration. It is so simple to carry a few basics in ones purse or bag and capture an emotional impression while you waiting for a next appointment, sitting in a doctor's office, or taking a breather at a park. It felt good having colored pencils and paper at the ready to capture the feelings I experienced as my thoughts wandered. I am looking forward to what happens next as I get involved in the creative activities of Dirty Footprints Studio's 21 Secrets workshop.